& Depression

Do you often feel yourself worrying incessantly about current or future events? Are those thoughts sometimes unstoppable in your head to the point of mental or physical distress? Do you frequently worry about your reaction to current or future events? Do you often avoid public or social events out of fear of feeling trapped or put on display? Not everyone who worries or fears has an anxiety disorder. But if your stress levels are beginning to go through the roof and you know you need to reestablish balance in your life, its time you seek professional therapy. There are many treatment options for anxiety. You will be relieved with the results.

It is believed that over 20 million Americans suffer from depression, but most people never seek help. No doubt everyone occasionally feels sad or down, but when those feelings or thoughts result in persistent eating or sleeping problems, loss of energy, feelings of guilt or despair, a lack of desire for things that once were pleasurable or thoughts of suicide or death, professional help is strongly advised. I like to utilize Cognitive Behavioral interventions, motivational interviewing and when appropriate, spiritual assessment, to help you rediscover your strengths and to reframe your perspective in order to help you realize the kind of personal emotional balance you seek. Don't let depression master your life, win over it.

Anger is a natural emotional, and often physiological reaction related to our interpretation of a threat or a violation of our personal boundaries. It can further be suggested that there are two forms of anger: Normal anger and problem anger. In the simplest illustration, normal anger is the kind of anger you feel when you are driving and another driver cuts you off...ten seconds of irritation and you drive on. Problem anger provokes you to chase down that driver to threaten or cause harm. Your anger takes complete charge and you lose rational control. If you know you struggle with problem anger in relationships, family, job or other areas and are serious about real change, then accept the responsibility and value the importance of seeking professional therapy and make the call yourself....before you impulsively do something you may regret for the rest of your life.

Many believes there are essentially two types of addictions: 1) Substance addictions such as alcohol, drugs and prescription medication, and 2) Behavioral addictions such as gambling, sex , spending, eating and even work or exercise. In fact, it could be further argued that a person can become addicted, dependant or obsessed to anything. The bottom line is this: To what extent is a person's "addiction" negatively affecting his or her physical and emotional life, relationships, work, family or core values? When a person's "addiction" has such a powerfully controlling influence that it begins to cause unrestrictive, distressful or destructive behavior to themselves or others, it's time to seek professional help.

& Addiction
& Relational

Marriage doesn't change people, it merely unmasks them. When two people live in close proximity there will always be competing methods, different interpretations or simply a different view of the same thing. Most problems center on the following: Communication, sexual expectations, financial problems, anger, substance abuse, in laws, loss of love, infidelity, blended family or child-rearing problems. My specialty is couples counseling. I've been doing it for over 35 years. If your marriage is struggling with many serious, deep-rooted issues or, merely in need of a "tune-up", make the commitment to begin the journey together. Remember that marriage is much more than finding the right person, its being the right person.

It is my belief that relationships are about life, and life is about relationships. Indeed, when we develop a deep friendship with another individual, it can develop into a valued trust that begins to affect our lives in many unique ways, whether we are talking about best friends, siblings, mother/daughter, father/son, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife or a significant other. Relationships do fill our need to need, and to be needed. They provide the moment for our heart to feel safe, vulnerable, secure, accepted, needed and respected. Invariably there will be relational conflict. If you, or the two of you are feeling a need to bridge a gap in a broken relationship and have a need for some guidance along the way, a call can start the healing process.

Simply stated, Grief is a natural reaction to loss. The loss can be a divorce or the death of a spouse, parent, child, relative or friend. It could also mean the loss of a close relationship, a pet, a home or even a dream. A loss could be represented by anything that deeply matters to an individual, family or group. When there is loss, it is important that grieving is allowed to take its course. There is no "normal" timetable for grieving, but It must not be suppressed or masked. The pain of grief is precisely what helps you let go and move on. But it is here where unhealthy struggles with grief and loss often have their start.

Learning how to grieve is not something that most of us know and understand. Rather, it is often forced on us, without our permission. And when that happens, if we lack a support system or adequate grief counseling, we are at risk of falling into deep depression or despair. If you have encountered a loss and are in need of some help through the grieving process, seek professional assistance and don't try to go it alone. We are here to help.

& Loss

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