Payment & Bill Info


Session Time Frame Cost Per Session
Individual or Couples therapy 50 minutes $ 100.00
Two hour Individual or Couples 100 minutes $ 175.00
Emergency Sessions 60 minutes $ 140.00
Report Writing - - - - $ 125 .00 hr
Court appearances (Incl. Subpoenas).
Driving time will be included
- - - - $ 400 .00 per half day
$ 750.00 per full day
* paid upon arrival at court
Appointment phone calls Brief No Charge/$20 after
Consultation or Collaboration Up to 15 minutes No Charge
Crisis Calls Up to 15 minutes $10/10 min.

Please Note : $50.00 no-show fee charged for missing an appointment without giving at least a one-hour notice. This fee cannot be billed to your insurance company, it will be billed directly to you. The "one-hour" time frame is from the start of your original appointment time. For example, if your appointment is for 11 AM, you must cancel by 10 AM of that same day or be charged the no-show fee .

Payment & Bill Info


Payment is best received at the beginning of our time together, as the end of our session will often provoke teachable thoughts that may be distracted if interrupted with payment transactions.

Payment & Bill Info

Insurance, EAP, Victim Witness

Medicare is also not accepted. I have been approved as a provider with most EAP insurance companies as well as Shasta County Victim Witness. Check with me to verify your insurance EAP. Please check with your insurance company for any co-pay amount you may be responsible for.

Applications have been made to most other insurance companies, but the process for approval is often very lengthy. Unfortunately, Cigna insurance is not accepting any more providers in the Shasta County area. If one of these is your insurance carrier, you will need to pay the individual cash amount. Insurances that I am currently accepting.


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